Bledar Jubani

Bledar Jubani

Tour Guide and Manager Kol Gjoni Guesthouse
Country: Albania

Bledar Jubani, a born and raised resident of Valbona National Park and an avid mountain enthusiast. Bledar’s love for the mountains began in his childhood when he would explore the rugged terrain near his house on foot, long before he became an expert guide. Over the past decade, Bledar has guided countless groups of hikers through the mountains, including the challenging Peaks of The Balkans Trail.

But Bledar’s passion for the mountains doesn’t stop there. In recent years, he has also taken on the role of manager at the Kol Gjoni Guesthouse, a welcoming stopover for weary hikers in Valbona. Bledar’s love for the mountains has also driven him to become involved in various trail development projects in Valbona and Theth valleys.

All Sessions by Bledar Jubani

Day 3 - April 5, 2023